BPM: 120 BP: 60/30 RR: 35
Project Information
  • Curator: Boss
  • Project: Neonate Enculturation
Thesis Statement: These items are intended to represent a historical archive of what was produced and consumed by the fetal collection. By opening any of the adjoining pages you consent to discretion and potential mental impact. Some items are in fact atypical content that should be viewed with consideration.
Subject Details


Subject is physically typical. No redundant limbs or organs. However mental status is compromised from previous history of head trauma. Suspected CTE. MRI to be scheduled. At this time fetus shows no mood related symptoms. Personality type: Dominant Asocial. Approach container with confidence. Will aggress staff that are emotionally compromised.

Currently subject is involved in no major projects or studies. Observation only at this time.

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